Other than promo codes, you can also take advantage of the existing customer offers, student discounts and/or the 30-day free trial policy to save even more.Get complete Internet Security at very economical range with Kaspersky Internet Security Coupon Code. No matter which plan you opt for, don’t forget to use a coupon code to save extra cash to your wallet. Kaspersky offers an array of options to protect your online life. It’s 100% cost-free, so enjoy! Conclusion Kaspersky offers a 30-day free trial – you can download Kaspersky Anti-Virus and see if it lives up to your standards. If you’re new to Kaspersky and are not quite ready for the commitment, consider a free trial. Not ready for the investment yet? Get a free trial Once verified, you can continue with the page to submit your application. While there, you’ll be required to provide personal information and log in to your learning portal to verify your student status. If you haven’t signed up at UNiDAYS, you can navigate to Kaspersky Student Discount page. Kaspersky has teamed up with UNiDAYS to give out student-exclusive discounts to all registered students. If your license is still valid, you can save the code so that when the curent license expires, it will be automatically activated, with the given discount. If your license has already expired, you can activate it with a new code.

Here is how to renew your Kaspersky license with a discount: If you’re a paid customer of Kaspersky products, you can check your Kaspersky license to see when it will expire and unlock the discount for your renewal. Kaspersky has a pretty generous renew offer in order to retain customers.